Recipes and food tips

Food & cooking tips

Some simple tips to help make your cooking healthier for your heart. Instead of…. try….

Mono- or poly- unsaturated fats such as olive, canola and sunflower oils or spreads as a topping, use avocado or low fat ricotta, hummus or cottage cheese

Low fat milk (hint: you can add a little cornflour to thicken), buttermilk, light sour cream, yogurt or evaporated milk

For desserts try low fat yogurt or ricotta

Coconut milk
Low fat milk with a little coconut essence or low fat coconut flavoured evaporated milk

Herbs, spices and vinegars e.g. basil, rosemary, garlic, mustard, paprika or lemon juice

For muffins and cakes halve the amount of sugar and add naturally sweet ingredients like fruit, flavoured low fat yogurt, or fruit juice (with no added sugar)

White flour
Wholemeal flour or a mixture of wholemeal and white flour

Try swapping some of the flour with rolled oats or oat bran (you may need to add a little extra liquid to keep the baking moist)

Frying foods
Baking, steaming, grilling, poaching or boiling cut down the amount of oil by using a little cooking spray oil

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